
Last Day on Earth is a tower defense game from a third person shooter perspective.

There are 16 playable characters with four gameplay modes:

  • Campaign
    • Single or coperative play up to 4 players. Clear out The Hive from each zone and search for and rescue the remaining survivors. Once the current area is secured, players move on to the next area until the whole island is secured.
  • Survival
    • Up to 8 players battle wave after wave of ever increasing numbers of aliens. A key point to this game mode is that the player will not be able to predict exactly where the enemy AI will attack from when the round starts; Enemy spawn locations will vary each round, and the enemy AI will roam the map looking for the players and attack each defensive positions on various possible locations.
  • Invasion
    • Players must prepare defenses at each invasion point within the zones. Different invasion locations will require different set of strategies and defenses due to the varying layout of the environments and actions which take place during the game. such as destroyed architecture, erected barricades and set traps. Players will have the ability to create and modify defenses, traps, and inventory items. Last Day on Earth allows the players to explore the environment, choose his/her own siege points and create emergent gameplay. Combat will require quick reflexes with weaponry and intelligent use of the surrounding environment in order to successfully counterattack and direct their comrades toeards survival. This can be achieved by choosing a well thought out siege point that players can defend in each zone, and setting up traps made from found items.
    • The round will be won by the human team if they manage to fend off or kill all enemies (AI). The human team will fail when the last human player is killed.
  • Versus
    • Play against others in a 4-on-4 battle for human supremacy. Choose between team death-match or team capture the flag. As soon as all of the defensive supply caches are captured, a timer will start counting down to force the struggling team to attack, thereby allowing a last ditch effort of sorts. As soon as the timer hits zero, teh team with the most skills or captured positions wins.

This is Larva Game Studio’s  original IP.